
P company of heroes 2
P company of heroes 2

Zooming in far closer than ever before, you can see the soldiers struggle to pull their feet up through the deep snow.

p company of heroes 2

With the new Essence 3 engine upgrades powering things, the game isn’t just upgraded graphically. A pair of tanks lie broken in the deep snow as a group of soldiers begin their charge. The demo opens with a frozen field that has clearly had tree-burst shelling in the area. The team at Relic is trying to capture the brutality of the Eastern Front, and this is clear from the opening moments. In this pre-alpha build, we got to see some of the incredible gameplay advancements the last few years have brought us. In this battle, the Soviet army lost over a million men to Germany’s 300,000. In this mission, Soviet forces struggle to tie up a German division trying to relieve troops engaged in the battle of Stalingrad. The mission for our demonstration is a little-known battle called “Rzhev Meatgrinder” (or Ржевская мясорубка if you prefer). Set in the Winter of 1942, this title will focus on the USSR’s Red Army as they fight the Eastern Front campaign. I got to sit down with Relic to take a closer look at their much-anticipated sequel, Company of Heroes 2. Holding strategic points in the field isn’t the only change – the game also brought directional suppression, unit veteran upgrades and recruiting, line-of-sight, meaningful infantry, directional tank damage, and far more to the table, giving players a completely new experience. Homeworld 1 and 2, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War, Dawn of War II, Space Marine, and more have all hit like a ton of bricks, bringing revolution to the usual dirt-farming RTS world.

p company of heroes 2

Company of Heroes was a smash success, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise as the team at Relic has had a great deal of practice.

P company of heroes 2